St Andrews Aquarium
St Andrews Aquarium boasts a large array of sea creatures and animals. These include British sharks, spiders, lobsters, poison dart frogs, loveable deals and also has a fabulous meerkat enclosure. They have a number of interactive demonstrations including penguin feeding and reptile handling sessions. After you have had a look around you can stop off at the Steprock café and gift shop.
Full wheelchair access is available to just over 50% of the building which includes access to lower level displays, Amazonian exhibits, Native Marine exhibits, The Reef, Reptile Zone, Penguin enclosure, Sea Pool, disabled toilets and Steprock café. Access (via temporary wheel ramps) is available to access a further 25% of the building to allow viewing of the meerkat enclosure and shark tank.
The aquarium is open 7 days a week between the hours of 10am and 6pm with last admission at 5pm. For more information visit their website https://www.standrewsaquarium.co.uk